Thursday, February 25, 2010

Does Your Little One's Hair Need A Little Boost?

As a mom of a 5 yr old with THICK dry hair..yes she inherited my dry hair, I have been on the hunt for products that help me HELP her precious little head of hair stay healthy and hydrated.  And may I say it has been arduous to say the least.  Well after spending a lot of ca$h, I have found a few that I can count on that seem to assist me in my battle.  I fell hard for Soft & Precious Detangling Moisturizer I was able to finally release her from the braided hair style she had been sporting since she was 2 (she was also excited)It adds a light sheen too without a residue build upThis product is good for infants as well.  It is never too late to start the process of keeping your child's hair healthy, girl or boy.  Now admittedly this product ..for me anyway was not easy to find.  I happened upon in in of all places a Ralph's Grocery store,  the cutie pie on the bottle caught my eye.  So knowing this I am going to include this link  to the Manufacturer's Website, because I visited multiple drug stores in my area of Southern California and was not able to locate it. And YES I did go back to Ralph's but this products does not stay on the shelves at my local market.  I did find it at a Professional Beauty Supply for $3.99 (Ralph's was $6.99 ..go figure)  It comes in a 16Fl. Oz bottle.  And YES I did stock up once I found it for a lesser price.  They also offer other products all for our little ones.


  1. This product only worked for my hair the first couple of days. It softened but I found myself having to add leave in conditioner to keep the texture loose enough to detangle. I give it a 3 of 5.

  2. I had a hard time finding this product too. I thought I purchased the right one a few weeks ago, but now looking at this blog I have Soft and Beautiful! Not Soft and Precious. The one I have is still not doing the trick. Almost like water in the bottle to help keep her hair damp while combing.

  3. Hey Tasha try a Professional Beauty Supply in your area!

  4. Yeah we need something stronger... lol
